Thursday 27 June 2013

Catch Up

It has been over two months since my last post at forty weeks gestation. So much has happened in the last nine and a half weeks that rather than writing one ridiculously long post I will be writing a series of posts in the few rare and precious moments of free time that I actually manage to get to myself.

Before I begin my rendition of the saga of my baby girl's birth I should probably bring my readers up to speed. First, yes I FINALLY had my baby girl on Sunday May 5, 2013 - two weeks and day past her due date! Her name is Myla Ida Joy Campbell and she is already seven and a half weeks old. I know it's cliche, but time really does fly and it's true when you become a parent the free moments are few and it really is a dilemma to prioritize what's important and then choose what to do first. So often, as soon as Myla nods off for a nap, I find myself asking what's more important: the mound of laundry, the stack of dishes, the growing dust bunnies on the floor, doing errands, doing some weeding, getting some exercise, having a shower, having something to eat, or having a nap myself. So, when it comes to anything extra like relaxing such as having a bath, reading or writing this blog the time rarely appears.

Even now as I sit here writing I fully expect Myla to wake up interrupting my train of thought. I wouldn't be surprised if this simple catch up post takes me more than one attempt (actually as I write this line this is my third attempt at writing this post; yesterday I was interrupted for a series of feedings). Even now, as it is 10:00pm and Myla has been asleep for the last hour, I know that I should go to sleep as it will be only a few short hours before she's awake and thus I too will be awake. However, I feel as if I should also wrap up this blog post so that another nine weeks don't go by without one.

Much has occurred these last two months. I have given birth, I had my thirtieth birthday, both Mother's Day and Father's Day has come and gone, I had my graduation ceremony and through all this Myla has grown out of her newborn outfits and is nearly outgrown some of her three month old sleepers. So now that it's established where we are it is time to end this little post with the promise that a series of posts describing events leading up to labour, the saga of my birth story, and some events and details of life afterwards are sure to follow within the next couple weeks. I'm looking forward to sharing my story, but for now I must say goodnight and join my daughter in slumber.

Luke made this tank-top for me 
Nap time!

Myla Monkey