Saturday 15 December 2012

Momentous Endings and Exciting Beginnings

Currently I am taking an English Degree concentrating in Rhetoric and Writing.
In January 2013 I will be taking my last class and finishing just in time for the arrival of my new baby.
My two passions are Rhetoric and Midwifery.
I am awed by the beauty, power and strength contained in both.
In fact, the effort of combining these two interests led me to take a directed studies class in which I wrote a 40 page research paper entitled "The Rhetoric of Canadian Midwifery."
I then had the privilege of presenting it to the Canadian Association of the Studies of Discourse and Writing (CASDW) at the 2012 Congress Conference held at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.
It was an amazing opportunity that I am both proud of and thankful to have experienced.
Ultimately I believe in the power of words. Even more so, I believe that by purposefully using rhetoric the empowerment midwifery has to offer can most effectively be communicated – this is my personal goal.
Now, as a new mother in the making, my purpose with this blog is to share my personal experiences in the hope that you can both share and learn along with me while I progress through the adventures of motherhood.

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