Sunday 14 April 2013

A Week of New Sensations and Learning

It's now week thirty-nine and I can't believe how the time goes by so quickly!
In the last blog entry I talked a bit about different cramps I've been experiencing; I informed my midwife about this and as it turns out I've been experiencing Braxton Hick's! Also, when I told my dad I had been getting cramps he looked at me funny said, 
"Cramps? You mean Braxton Hicks?" So, as obvious as this may have been to some it was news for me and could you blame me? After all, I have never experienced Braxton Hicks before and I'm not sure I've ever heard a description of how they feel, except that they fool some women into thinking they're in labour. Now I know. That said, at my last midwife appointment I was told that this week I would be offered a membrane sweep and as you know I had decided to forgo this option as I didn't feel in a hurry, especially with my mom being out of town, and I wasn't too crazy about the idea of a day or two of cramps. However, my Braxton Hicks had actually increased quite steadily throughout the nights, so I was now undecided: should I just go for it, or should I wait? I was already cramping, so that no longer deterred me, but if it doesn't actually activate labour unless both the woman's body and the baby are ready, then what was the point? Luke was with me during the appointment and I think he could tell that I couldn't quite make a decision, so he stepped in and asked what really were the benefits? Good question! And I was instantly relieved he had the foresight to ask the question I couldn't  form for myself. We learnt that in addition to softening the cervix women who have membrane sweeps from thirty-eight weeks on have a much higher chance of spontaneously going into labour and thus a much lower need for medical induction. That was all I needed to hear; decision made. Unfortunately, even with all the Braxton Hick's and we learnt that my baby girl is engaged, the effacement of my cervix was still at zero percent and not even minutely dilated, so that meant a membrane sweep was no longer a possibility as it needs to be at least one centimetre dilated. The good news is that it's looking like my mom will be here for the delivery of her fifth granddaughter.
As I wait I'm still trying to take advantage of the time and energy that still remains. On the one hand I have ceased my adapted at home workout sessions as they've just become too cumbersome; however, I continue to do some stretches and exercises that I have found to help both with keeping up my back's strength and ability to bear the extra weight of my expanding belly and my balance. As a result I believe this has allowed me to continue attending gentle aqua-fit. I seriously attest my body's strength to the combination of these stretches and exercises, as gentle as they may be. And, although I need to take many "coffee-breaks", the benefit is that I'm able to continue gardening (this week Luke and I planted broccoli, parsnips and cucumbers) and weed the front flower patch. In addition, as a special treat, when it was my nephew Joshua's turn to spend the night I had both the energy and strength to walk down a couple blocks to the dollar-store and treat him to a few packages of toys dinosaurs and turtles that we could play with together back at my place.
There are definitely times I can tell that I am beginning to slow down and more recently have felt more irritable and antisocial than usual. My sister-in-law warned me, and Luke as a heads-up, that as my hormones change in preparation for labour it was quite possible that this would happen. Yet, it has been fun taking the time to be social. For instance, after playing dinosaurs, Joshua and I both had fun making grape juice with the Magic Bullet Juicer for  real grape juice popsicles - which makes quite the tasty treat. Even when I was tired and really didn't feel up to being social, with Luke's encouragement to get out while I could, I had a great homemade iced-cappaccino and banana muffins visit with my childhood friend Amanda. The visit went so well that when Luke sent me a text asking if my mood had lifted, Amanda and I had a good laugh over it. In fact she said to let him know she never would have guessed I left the house grumpy. In addition to local socializing, Luke and I even managed an evening out to North Vancouver for fresh vegetable juice with one friend and pizza with another couple, who have a seven month old son that we were finally able to meet! They even blessed us with a new jolly jumper - which I am pretty excited to have aquired. And, last night Luke and I had friends over for appetizers, desert, and excellent company for what could potentially be our last "party" before the two of us become three. 
Obviously I am not sure what this next week will bring. I am happy to announce that while the Braxton Hicks have tapered off I have experienced actual contractions the last two nights. For those who are first time moms, a primigravida in medical terms (in contrast to a multigravida who have moved on to subsequent pregnancies) or a heifer (a first time pregnant cow) in farm terminology as my dad so eloquently called me in the beginning of my pregnancy (he meant it in the most loving way as he has a soft spot for these wide eyed and sweet tempered first time moms whom he sees as needing extra love and care) a contraction feels more like a piercing pain and your entire belly goes hard like a bowling ball; you may even feel the baby squirming down further into the pelvis once the contraction ceases - I did and what a neat and trippy  feeling it is. 
What progression will occur this week? I haven't a clue and that's part of the aggravation and yet excitement of the the anticipation. Soon we will meet this little miraculous creation baking in my womb; until then it's one day, one visit, and one more chance to embrace this adventure of pregnancy. 
At the moment the one question that intrigues Luke and I is: How big do we think she'll be? Although I'm only 5'3" and he's 6'4" as babies we were both over nine pounds, and my sister's first two babies were over over nine pounds, so I really assumed that I my babies would be too; however, I also assumed that I had no chance of having the cute baby bump, I really thought I'd be enormous! Yet, I think that in fact I do look good and I do have a cute belly. But, judging by it's size, neither Luke nor I can really imagine a very large baby tucked in there. An interesting thought that will only be answered when she arrives, for now any guesses?
39 week belly

Spring Ornaments
Spring has almost sprung

Apple blossoms


Luke and Oscar testing out the Boba baby wrap
Proud Papa bought his daughter an owl toque

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